Concepts 3

1-°National output/Producto nacional: is the Gross National Product (GNP), which is defined as the monetary value of all final goods and services produced in the country in a given period.

2-°Economic growth/Crecimiento económico : the increase in income or the value of the final goods and services produced by an economy (usually from a country or region) in a given period (usually in a year).

3-°Allocation/Asignación : This is the act and the result of assigning: indicating, establishing or granting

4-°Income/Ingreso : All those resources that individuals, societies or governments have for the use of wealth, human work.

5-°Pryce sistem/Sistema de precios: Is any economic system that makes its distribution of goods and services by assigning prices to said goods and services and using any form of money or debit checks.

6-°Policies/Politicas : It is an activity ideologically oriented to the decision-making of a group to achieve certain objectives.

7-°Spending choices/Opciones de gasto : Is the use or consumption of a good or service in exchange for a consideration, it is usually done through an outgoing amount of money.

8-°Firms/Firmas : Handwritten sign or handwriting, normally varied by name, surname and rubric, that a person puts at the foot of a writing or a document to identify himself, authorize the document, express that approves its content, etc.

9-°Households /Hogar: The habitual domicile of a person and in which he develops his private or family life.

10-°Wages /Salarió: Money received by a person from the company or entity for which he works as a payment, usually periodically.

11-°Availability /Disponibilidad: (availability) Set of goods, means or other things that are available for some purpose.

12-°Supply/Suministro: That is, provide someone with something that requires. The term mentions both the provision of food or utensils and the objects and effects that have been supplied.

13-°Scarcity /Escasez : Scarcity is the lack of basic resources such as water, food, energy, housing, etc. That are considered fundamental to satisfy survival or non-basic resources that meet different needs in human societies in various aspects.

14-°Term /Plazo: Time indicated to do something, time or date at the end of the time indicated to do something.

15-°Measured /Mesurado: Prudent, sensible, sane, sitting, serious, formal, circumspect, thoughtful, discreet, judicious. crazy, reckless.

16-°Opportunity cost/Costo de oportunidad : It designates the cost of the investment of the available resources at the cost of the best alternative investment available, or also the value of the best option not made.

17°-Forgone alternatives/ Alternativas olvidadas:
Unremembered options.

18°-Production possibilities Frontier /Posibilidades de producción fronteriza:
a graphical representation of the maximum amounts of production that an economy can get in a -period making use of all the resources that are available.

19°- Goods /Mercancías:
everything that can be sold or bought.

set of activities that meet a customer's needs.

It can be achieved without too much effort.

22°-Goods /Mercancías:
These materials that satisfy human desires and provide usefulness, for example, to a consumer who buys a satisfactory product.

23°-Plotted/ trazar:
Providing the means to achieve a goal.

An axis is a constructive element intended to guide rotational movement to a part or part of a set of parts.

25-°Amount/Cantidad: A quantity of something, or the sum of multiple quantities expressed as a number that may or may not be expressed as a number. For example, a company may have a great amount of brand recognition.

26-° Boundary/Limite: Something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent.

27-° Finite resource/Recurso finito: A resource that is concentrated or formed at a rate very much slower than its rate of consumption and so, for all practical purposes, is non-renewable.

28-° Fails/Fallas: A market failure is a situation in which the allocation of resources by the market is not efficient.

29-° Giving up/ Renuncia: It is considered a renunciation of the consequence of resigning (that is, voluntarily giving up something or moving away from something that is possessed or can be achieved, moving away from a project, depriving yourself of something or someone).

30°Accounted/Contabilizado:A formal banking, brokerage, or business relationship established to provide for regular services, dealings,and other financial transactions.

31-° Farming ability ratio/Radio de habilidad de farmeo: This ratio measures the ability of the farm business to meet its present and short term obligations.

32-° Growth/ Crecimiento: Economic growth is the increase in income or the value of the final goods and services produced by an economy in a given period.
